Once upon a time, we’ve created a mysterious collection featuring stunning embroidery
Do you believe in fairy tales? This stunning collection is always growing, full of beautiful items that have an otherworldly beauty, which is both enticing and terrifying. Consisting mostly of historically inspired LARP clothing with a hint of fantasy, all of these items have an uncanny air about them – they may not be designs that historically existed, but they look incredibly close to items from the past. Made from lush, natural fabrics and accented with intricate, specially designed embroidery, the “Fairy Tale” collection shows that you don’t necessarily have to be traditionally fancy to be eye-catching. Hardy linen and soft wool are the main materials used on the clothing, with leather and brass making an appearance on some of the accessories.
Our full Fairy Tale costume includes dresses, hoods, mittens, jewelry, cloaks and other items that form a complete wardrobe. In fact, we added new items this year, and have been very excited to expand on some of our most beautiful works! The inspiration for this collection came from folk tales and spoken history, with embroidery representing how a story can be woven into our lives. Thus, we thought we would feature some special, ArmStreet exclusive embroidering, expertly adorned onto the garments by our seamstresses who have been embroidering for countless years. We hope that you find this collection as enchanting as we do...
If you are unsure where to start, we are happy to help you. We offer a full collection that goes together very well but also works with other garments if you wish to mix and match and build something a bit more creative. We have a variety of items in our collection for you to choose from, including:
Of course, the items we offer aren’t strictly traditional, and may even come across as Brother’s Grimm Fairy Tale costumes… we feel that the overall vibe of our costumes changes depending on who is wearing it and what image they wish to achieve. We look forward to seeing how you use our items to put together an amazing costume!
We have a fantastic solution: create your own! Why go for something clichéd and overdone when you can put together a costume which will be just as beautiful and mystifying, with some added creativity? This way, you will look unique, and really stand out from other people. You also have the option of putting together a ‘cosplay’ type outfit and choosing items similar to a character you like. This way, you can end up with an outfit that will look familiar to people but will still be a little bit different.
Do you find yourself getting jealous of children at dress up parties? Why not become a princess yourself? Create a character, or dress up as someone who you already admire from pop culture. There is nothing quite like the feeling of wearing a beautiful, swishy dress that drapes over your body in a flattering way and fits you well. We promise that you won’t just look like a princess – people will treat you like one as well! If you’re looking for more fairy tale costumes for adults, why not consider dressing up your significant other as a prince, or a dashing knight? We offer a fantastic range of men’s clothing that will make anyone look heroic and handsome.
Looking to experience more than just a dress up party? Live action role play is a great hobby that will give you endless amounts of fun. Join up with your local LARP group, learn the rules, and start putting together a character. Of course, while your backstory is an important thing to get right, you also can’t look past the incredible importance of costume. The costume is the first thing that people will see when they look at you, so it is very important that you make an impression.
Don’t think of it as a costume, think of it as the actual clothing and wardrobe of your character, as if they’re a real person. You also want to ensure your clothing is comfortable and durable. That’s why we made our fairy tale collection out of linen and wool – they are both natural materials that wear well, and look great in photography! They will also naturally insulate you and wick sweat away, making them great all-weather fabrics.
An area where people often fall short when creating a LARP costume is accessories! When we say accessories, we’re often referring to:
These are all items that look amazing, but often also do something useful to help you. For example, mittens add another layer and look good, but also keep your hands warm. We have made our Fairy Tale jewelry from strong brass, which will add additional color and texture to your costume and bring it to the next level.
Worry not, we have you covered for your fancy dress fairy tale character! ArmStreet ships all over the world, including Canada, the USA, and Australia, so you can rest assured knowing that your costume will reach you. We also offer express shipping as an option, which comes highly recommended as it also gives you the ability to track your parcel, as well as receiving it quite quickly.