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This kit's design is a result of few years of improvement of our skills. Late 15 century style. Gothic knight armor is one of the most complicated and beautiful ones. This kit is completely wearable and functional. All armor pieces represented at photos are included. Chainmail is not included.
Full set shipping price may vary depending on your measurements. If your size is more then XXL please email us your measurements stated in order form to estimate shipping price to your destination.
Basically comes in mild steel (cold-rolled) 16 ga with mild steel (cold-rolled) 14 ga helmet. Upgrade to stainless steel available upon request for $450 extra.
Also there are few pieces you may be need for your Medieval Knight armor, which are not included to price: gambeson and choses.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
IMPORTANT: To fit correctly and prevent injury, a suit of armour must be accurately built to the measurements of the person wearing it. PLEASE take all measurements over either the gambeson or under-padding you are planning to wear with this armour. The sole exception is for persons buying armour and padding together, ArmStreet will then make the proper size adjustments for the armour based on the measurements provided for the padding. For size measurements for sabatons, please send the actual measurements of the footwear you plan to wear under them. Medieval Martial Arts are, by their very nature, dangerous and ArmStreet is not responsible for any injuries sustained by persons wearing their armour during the course of such activities. We cannot stress enough the importance of proper training, armour, weapons and knowledgeable supervision during these activities. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the wearer and their opponent for the safety of the participants. Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
IMPORTANT: To fit correctly and prevent injury, a suit of armour must be accurately built to the measurements of the person wearing it. PLEASE take all measurements over either the gambeson or under-padding you are planning to wear with this armour. The sole exception is for persons buying armour and padding together, ArmStreet will then make the proper size adjustments for the armour based on the measurements provided for the padding. For size measurements for sabatons, please send the actual measurements of the footwear you plan to wear under them.
Medieval Martial Arts are, by their very nature, dangerous and ArmStreet is not responsible for any injuries sustained by persons wearing their armour during the course of such activities. We cannot stress enough the importance of proper training, armour, weapons and knowledgeable supervision during these activities. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the wearer and their opponent for the safety of the participants.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Safety disclaimer: Sword-fighting and fencing is a dangerous sport. Fencing, historical fencing, medieval reenactment and martial arts as well as other related types of activity, are inherently connected to a certain risk level of injuries or death. The Company declines all responsibility for any traumas or harm done to oneself or to the third person, along with any material or consequential damage, impaired during the products usage. We admonish that all acts with armour, weapons or their components have to be performed before designated person who is responsible for safety of the particular event and accredited to supervise armour and sport weapon conformance to the event’s standards.
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
The faulds look like they are jutting out far away from the waist. Is it possible to have this cuirass made with faulds falling closer to the body?
Fit of the faulds cannot be changed, as this is structural feature of the armor, sorry. Paladin armor kit has the faulds falling closer to body, it can also be made without etching upon request.
Would this armour be suitable for battle of nations or could you make some that are
Yes, the set should meet all BotN standards, when combined with the underarmor padding, choses and arming cap.
Awesome products. Can this particular suit of armor be etched? Can you do full upper and lower legs? I am 6' 4 1/2" , 283 pounds. What are you're size limits? Thanks Dale
This armour suit can not be etched, sorry. We can make it to fit your measurements, no extra.
Hello Armstreet crew- Does this armor set come with sabatons as pictured? How much will full round greaves add to the cost? How much will the arm and leg leafs, for SCA, add to the cost? I am interested in switching the bellows face helmet for the hounskull, in stainless steel. Will this substitution change the price any? Thank you, Carson
Sabatons are not included.Full round greaves - $150 extra.If you order full set at once, SCA-adjusting of the leafs is free.Hounskull helmet - $230 extra (since it has two visors, and extra for stainless steel is already included).
Is it possible to get the shoulders, arms and legs pieces of this kit only? I'd like to use them for a film. Also, I'd like the pieces in 18 ga stainless if that is possible.
This is doable, please contact us at to get the discount.
If I wanted to substitute the sallet as a helmet, would it change the price? Could a matching bevor be provided, and would that change the price?
This cuirass cannot be made with bevor, thus sallet is not an option, sorry.
This place is awsome for wardrobe for movies. Is the chain mail included with the armor though?
Thank you! Chainmail is not included, we do not produce it for sale, sorry.
hi i was wondering, can it be ordered with chain mail (riveted links preferably)? and is it available in black stainless steel?
Chainmail is not available.To date we don't make blackening, sorry.
Awesome!! I want one. I will have one. I will be buried in one!!
beautiful work on the whole suit love the fluting. do the breastplates and back plates articulate or is the multi layer of plates just for looks
The plates of the breastplate are static, they move only together. Not for look, but for historical accuracy.
Hi there. is it possible to order JUST the legs arms and pauldrons of this piece? I'm in need of some for the harness I am making and these seem to capture the look I'm after yet I dont see them listed elsewhere on the site. Thank you!!!
Arms, legs and pauldrons from this set are listed here.
You work in a profession that some of us only aspire to dream of. Beautiful armour. Can some of this armour be changed? Example: I personally like full canons on the lower leg, would it be possible to add these?
Full cannons are available for $150 extra. You're welcome!
Does it come with a squire as well?
Squire is not included, sorry :D
i should wear it to school to scare all the little kids
Wow looks heavy but I'm imagining my self walking at New York streets with that. Everybody would run away
WoW!!! :0 AMAZING!
Nice *-*
Thank you, Gabriel!
*Your feedback will require to be approved. Log in to our website to be able to post seamlessly
received the harness to that suit very nice and elegant nice job
Thank you for feedback!