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The armour of the late 15th century was dominated by the Gotischer Plattenpanzer or German Gothic-style. It featured elongated curves, flutings, and strengthening ridges, provided natural deflection from arrows and weapon strikes, and further advanced the model as fashion. The Gothic armour, created in what would become Germany, greatly influenced the armor manufacturing both in Italy and England, with their own individual takes on the style.
At ArmStreet, we have always had a love for the “Alla Tedesca” (German-style) Italian armour created in the late 15th Century. While it has the large couter and poleyn fans and large, fluted rear fans of the pauldrons, all indicative of Gothic armour from the “middle” of the period, the Italian fluting emphasized larger, smoother lines and ridges, giving an overall “cleaner” look, valued by so many collectors.
We also off this kit in 2mm or 16ga stainless steel for only $200 more.
IMPORTANT: To fit correctly and prevent injury, a suit of armour must be accurately built to the measurements of the person wearing it. PLEASE take all measurements over either the gambeson or under-padding you are planning to wear with this armour. The sole exception is for persons buying armour and padding together, ArmStreet will then make the proper size adjustments for the armour based on the measurements provided for the padding. For size measurements for sabatons, please send the actual measurements of the footwear you plan to wear under them.
Medieval Martial Arts are, by their very nature, dangerous and ArmStreet is not responsible for any injuries sustained by persons wearing their armour during the course of such activities. We cannot stress enough the importance of proper training, armour, weapons and knowledgeable supervision during these activities. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the wearer and their opponent for the safety of the participants.
Safety disclaimer: Sword-fighting and fencing is a dangerous sport. Fencing, historical fencing, medieval reenactment and martial arts as well as other related types of activity, are inherently connected to a certain risk level of injuries or death. The Company declines all responsibility for any traumas or harm done to oneself or to the third person, along with any material or consequential damage, impaired during the products usage. We admonish that all acts with armour, weapons or their components have to be performed before designated person who is responsible for safety of the particular event and accredited to supervise armour and sport weapon conformance to the event’s standards.
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Hi Team, just wondering: How much more would it be for full-round greaves, and could you make poleyns with the same design as the elbow fans?
Full-round greaves costs $240 extra. Same fans on the knees and elbows - no problem, simply add a comment to your order.
The gothic arms and legs set has a look similar to the Maximaillian armor I'd like. Have you considered making a full gothic kit?
Full Gothic armour set is available for order.
Is the armour pointed to the coat in the photographs?
This is gambeson, such armor strapping to gambeson is typical for medieval armor.
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