Gambeson Medieval Underarmour Combat Padding
New SCA and rebated steel fighting oriented cotton gambeson. Casting clasps, leather straps, natural flax lining.
The Society for Creative Anachronism, or SCA, is a worldwide phenomenon that united thousands of history dreamers and armored swordfight enthusiasts more than 50 years ago. SCA is one of the biggest medievalism communities with tens of thousands of members in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Europe, and massive events with thousands of fighters on the field.
SCAadians were among ArmStreet's first customers, buying our costumes, SCA-oriented armor, SCA helmets, gauntlets, and many other medieval products ArmStreet has to offer. We love SCA and track the development and changes in the community, following and developing with new SCA armour designs, supporting the expanding interest in cut-and-thrust renaissance swordplay, and recent trends in medieval fashion.
New SCA and rebated steel fighting oriented cotton gambeson. Casting clasps, leather straps, natural flax lining.
Amazing new “The Alchemist's daughter” collection. Full dress with vest and chemise, new suede boots, head-piece, necklace, rings and belt. Plus absolutely stunning spherical etched brass and leather pouch...
New XVI century style medieval linen costume: dress, kirtle and chemise
New exclusive fantasy functional elven armour kit. Comes with two optional fantasy helmets. Functional armour kit which looks really like it came from another reality...
Unique fantasy fairy tales coat - romantic and enchanting...
Perfectly looking kit of new splinted legs and arms with fluted cops.
Cold-weather short coat bordered with fake fur. Exclusive version of Russian-style “Jupan” short coat with original trimming
“Beautiful Ginevra” and other clothing in our new limited renaissance collection
Handmade leather bag: fantasy style utility bag with brass accents
Eastern style etched stainless functional armour kit: cuirass, pauldrons, bracers and greaves with cops and 2 matching helmets
Medieval fashion XIII-XIV century style flax linen sleeveless dress, chemise and bodice
Gorget, pauldrons, legs and arms exclusive stainless etched armor set
Great asset to our wedding collection. Unique combination of cotton and extra thin flax-linen.
Participation of ArmStreet's mongolian blackened lamellar and gambesons in the production of one of our favorite TV shows – “Mythbusters”!
Medieval style exclusive wool coat with fur and handmade embroidery decorations
Exclusive fantasy fashion wool coat, incredible and beautiful.
Blue and black gamme version of popular "Knyazhna Helga" costume
A Velevt dress, embroidered with beads and tiny pearls.
Generation II functional full-round greaves and matching sabatons
Great quality XI century design natural flax-linen dress and wool cloak set