Medieval underwear collection September 5, 2017 New linen underwear is here It takes time to build a perfect character and when it comes to clothing, little details make a huge difference. We know that a lot of our customers want to make every hour of their medieval events as stylish and true-to-life as possible. Little pieces of clothing like underpants (“les braies”), undertunics and cales (fr. “Kahl”) will make your medieval adventures comfortable and stylish. We have two versions of underpants (“les braies”), one is simple and pretty much what most people use as a medieval underwear, and one is a bit more complicated and recreates a look you can see on certain medieval pieces of art, with a rolled waist and side lacing. We also designed several tunics to match these underpants. From our own experience, we've discovered that linen undertunics are must-have item for any hot events, and the more the better. Medieval hats (“Kahl”) were pretty common as a way to protect more expensive headgear from sweat to keep it clean. They were also a great extra layer on your head between when wearing a combat helmet. It looks so authentic that we think everyone needs at least one! Read more about amazing properties and history of flax linen. We made these shoes keeping in mind that sometimes you don't have time to put on your high boots and just need to have something stylish to take a short walk and visit the next camp. That's why we included these shoes to our everyday medieval life kit — they're like stylish medieval slippers!