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This is a waterproof Viking jacket made of sturdy and thick natural canvas with inserts of embossing decorated leather. In general, the design of this awesome and pretty functional costume is based on well-known Viborg Shirt design. Originally, the one was much thinner and probably had some ritual meaning, most likely it was a part of wedding costume or a wedding gift but our designers decided to make much more sturdy and functional thing out of it.
Our designers modified materials and decorations to make it closer to a jacket or a parka. The front side of the jacket is decorated with etched leather insert as well as the whole bottom part below the belt line. Collar and sleeves are also decorated with soft leather bordering. Armpit areas are reinforced with soft but reliable leather so this jacket will protect you from wind and water under any weather conditions as well as it will last for ages.
Hood is not included but available separately.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
This item is part of the “Viking” collection
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Would you recommend getting a size larger to fit oved other clothes i have on
Hi Devin! Please simply measure yourself with the clothes on and choose the size accordingly.
How long will shipping to Perth Western Australia take/cost
Hi Daniel! Shipping takes about 3-4 weeks to Australia. The shipping cost is indicated in each listing details.
Can the jacket be made to a custom size? Or does it have to be a standard size?
Hello! This jacket can be made in fixed sizes only, but small adjustments are possible.
plan to get this jacket very soon just one question, could you guys make this in a medium but longer in the waist and sleeves, I'm 6'3 and the large would just be long enough for my arms but much to baggy, willing to pay extra for this modification too
Hi David! Yes, jacket can be adjusted for your height. Please simply leave this request to your order. No extra charge.
Hi there LOVE this jacket. Is there a way to dye this in Black? I would be doing the jacket and hood. Also is this naturally water proof because of the materials or is further treatment needed. Thanks so much!
We don`t dye our materials, sorry. As for this material, we cannot give you any dying recommendation as we don`t have the experience, unfortunately.The material is naturally waterproof, though of course if you stay under a heavy fall of rain it may not resist it. In general, it doesn`t need any special treatment to stay waterproof.
Awesome looking jacket, could it be made in any darker colors?
This jacket can be made in white/natural color, because such a canvas (linen-based water resistant fabric) is produced in one color only, sorry.
hello, for your “Olaf the Stormbreaker” Viking Jacket, would it be possible that the leather was another color such as brown or black? thank you for your time J-F Nicol
Hi! Black color is possible.
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My friends told me about Armstreet years ago and now i finally decided to make my first order. And i'm never disappointed! The fabric, the silhouette, the embossing - all perfect. Also, the client service was very nice, thank you for guiding me through all my questions