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Historical references of this design are so complicated and versatile so it will be honest to say that this dress is more fantastic then historically based.
Dress itself has European silhouette with naturally looking ethnic accents. Bracers are made of jacquard fabric. Bracers are separate pieces, those can be worn to enforce Eastern effect.
Taking into account very Eastern early headpiece design, we can say about Sarmatians or Scythian. Though, headpiece is not included but can be purchased separately if you need it.
You can also purchase full fantasy sarmatian set with overcoat.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Is it possible to order just the hat in green? Please let me know the price and shipping also. Thank you.
Hat can be made in colors shown in pictures only, sorry.
Hello, I want to order this beautiful dress, how do I have to do to order the headpiece at the same time ? Do you need my head size to make the headpiece ? Thanks. Marie.
You can order the headpiece here. Please provide your head circumference in the order form.
please tell me if the neck jewelry is available? if not where I can purchase it??
Necklace from photos is not available, sorry. We can offer some jewelry by ArmStreet.
Would it be possible to order 1/2 yard of the jacquard fabric used in the arm braces (if I ordered the dress and hat)? and if so, how much would you charge?
This is doable, please email us at for more details.
What is the cost of the headpiece?
$66 + $10 (shipping), you can purchase the hat here.
its great! want to buy one!
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I purchased this dress and I'm Very pleased with this purchase. I went for the blue as shown. The color is gorgeous! Everything fits like a glove. Thank you for all your hard work.
Thank you, Sara!