The medieval bascinet was one of the most common helmets among men-at-arms, yeomen, and knights – a staple of the medieval period. It evolved from a steel cap known as a "cervelliere" into a close-fitting combat helmet, widely used during the late 14th to early 15th century, especially throughout the Hundred Years' War. Medieval armor helmets, such as bascinets, are still popular in modern sword-fighting. You can spot them on fighters in SCA heavy rattan fighting, international armored tournaments, harnischfechten in HEMA, and buhurts. Historical reenactors and LARP players alike choose klappvisor bascinets for the combination of functionality and appearance, and bascinet is arguably the most popular helmet in the world of sword fighting today.
When the thrusting weapons equipment market lacked head protection that would be lighter than heavy armor but more reliable than a fencing mask, we at ArmStreet launched the development of a spring steel line of helmets of historical appearance. As a result, we now have a variety of lightweight bascinet helmets in our shop. If you are more into German-style armor, the Sitten medieval bascinet for WMA will be the best functional sword fighting helmet for you. This particular bascinet features a pointed top for deflecting arrows and lances and a klappvisor. This visor style was typical for Germany and Northern Italy in 1340-1370 – it can be easily raised or lowered and secured with a leather strap. The reliable visor hinge mechanism allows for smooth visor removal.
Crafted from 14ga spring steel, this helmet is built to endure heavy combat. Blackened or plain steel color, you can choose between mirror or satin polishing. The sword fighting helmet includes a durable leather strap to keep the klappvisor in place, a chin strap, and a riveted chain mail aventail for neck protection. Like most of our helmets, this blackened bascinet helmet has padding by default.
If sword-fighting is a big part of your life, getting a good, all-purpose helmet like this is a wise investment. It will be perfect for HEMA harnischfechten, WMA swordplay with lighter weapons, and SCA (although, for SCA we will recommend thicker stainless helmets with better shock-absorption properties like this SCA Sitten bascinet, and for buhurts, we will recommend certain alterations and a thicker steel too).
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