It is no secret that here at ArmStreet, we absolutely love Eastern style armor. Based in Ukraine, we feel very close to our cultural heritage and take great pride in delving into the history of other Eastern European countries and sharing it with the rest of the world. When looking through medieval history, it was difficult to overlook the Polish Hussars - nomadic, often mercenary Calvary fighters, some of which were famed for the wooden frames they would wear on their backs with feathers to imitate huge wings. They looked incredibly intimidating and utterly amazing, which inspired us so much that we had to make a whole collection!
With this Hussar armor, we wanted it to be protective and flexible, but also look incredibly opulent, to make it clear to whomever you are fighting that you are a wealthy mercenary or retainer, who is to be respected and feared.
The key design features for the Hussar collection are laser cut, blackened brass accents, slick stainless steel, and masterful articulation. We have used 1.5mm stainless steel throughout to ensure it has great structural integrity, but isn’t over-the-top when it comes to weight. The best part about stainless steel is that it is unlikely to rust, making it a perfect choice for people who fight on a regular basis but don’t have a huge amount of time to clean their armor. Everything has been put together with strong leather and a variety of quality rivets that have been expertly peened for solid construction. This collection also has plenty of fine finishes and well thought out details, such as cast brass medieval buckles and decorative accents.
The full set includes a cuirass, pauldrons, bazubands, a gorget and cuisses, which together give you almost complete coverage of your body while giving you a very distinct hussar look that will make you terrifying to your enemies and fill them with a healthy respect.
The cuirass is wonderfully articulated, giving you decent coverage and much-needed protection without compromising flexibility. Leather and sliding rivets are used to give it such a high level of movement.
The pauldrons attach to the gorget with a leather strap and basically cover your whole forearm. They are quite generous in coverage and extend much further than the average pauldron.
Possibly the most beautiful gorget we have ever created, this is a solid piece with a high collar and flawless finishing. The brass edging at the top of the neck contrasts magnificently with the bright leather. It is accented in the center with a blackened brass design, based on historical research and a little bit of our own imagination.
These bazubands are based on our bestselling, reliable bazuband design. They are aesthetically pleasing, comfortable, and offer you protection of basically your whole forearm. They close with leather straps and buckles on the inside, with a sturdy hinge on the outside. They are anatomically shaped as opposed to just being a metal tube, meaning they will fit your forearm much better than similar designs that haven’t put I quite as much research or experimentation that we have carried out over the years.
The cuisses for this set are a true triumph of our blacksmith’s design. In all of our years of creating beautiful armor, we have never made something quite this articulated. A signature 16th-century design, they are somewhere between a taste and a leg harness. Despite giving a large amount of protection, they remain flexible and easy to move in and won’t restrict you as you lunge and fight. Each leg is one whole piece going from hip to just below your knee and is completely riveted together. They attach to the cuirass with strong leather straps.
Overall, we aimed for this set to be cohesive, with each and every part working together to create the ultimate set of Hussar armor. In our opinion, the best part of this armor is how sculptural it is - just looking at the curves, the nicely finished edges and the way that the shapes all come together, you can imagine how long it took our blacksmiths to perfect such an artistic design! We hope that you enjoy this work of art just as much as we do.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
This item is part of the “Hussar” collection
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*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Do I need to measure myself in the Zupan that is sold separately before buying this armor set? Or is it not necessary given the nature of this armor versus something like the Paladin armor set?
Hello Gavin, you may send us your measurements without coat and will add a little extra room for it. Please simply leave this request in the comment section to your order.
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The Hussar armor is very elegant and impressive! I had it made by custom size and I have to say that it fits very well. The craftsmen did a very good job and absolutely proved their skills! With the purchase of this armor, I have fulfilled a wish and have more appreciation for it because I actually received it shortly before the war in Ukraine began. Hopefully this war will come to an end!!!