Splinted bracers of commonly believed Slavic origin have made their intricate way through the medieval history, reappearing in different parts of Europe within dozen of centuries. Recreated by ArmStreet especially for medieval cut-and-thrust ten years ago, these heavy-duty splints developed a reputation as a fan favorite among SCA people. Their design is perfect for modern medieval style fighting because of great balance between weight, protection, and hand/wrist flexibility.
The iron splints from the Vendel grave still are the one and only historically accurate example of Viking vambraces. Considering abundance and geographic diversity of pictorial sources and archaeological finds, dating from the 9th century BC and up to 14th-century transitional armour, splinted limbs protection can be used to complete a Varangian, Rus, Byzantine, and even High Medieval harness.
Feature longitudinal stainless splints, flat till the edge, riveted with cast brass rivets right next to each other onto the genuine leather base, with contrasting split leather lining underneath the entire thing. Their shape is tapered to the elbow to cover the joint. Fixation system includes leather buckled straps on the inner side of the forearm. Being lighter than chain mail and plate vambraces, these are worth time spent for making and ideal for both newbie and experienced SCA fencer who care about mobility.
Splinted bracers were one of the most popular types of forearm protection from ancient times to the late Middle Ages. The first known appearance is associated with the 4th century BC Skythian grave, and then migration period Viking designs. In the Middle Ages splinted bracers (and also splinted cuisses and other armor elements) were mostly known as a part of transitional period armor designs. Overall, splinted vambraces are a rare combination of simple designs with comfortable fit and high-level protective capabilities. A variety of designs is known, some splinted bracers are completely formed by closely placed splints (metal planks), and some have gaps, sometimes protected by other metal elements. Also, Eastern and Japanese arm protection often had more anatomically shaped splints.
Come as a pair; should be worn over padding clothes. Also, can be made out of mild steel upon request.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Important note: please take into account that we need your measurements in gambeson or other under-armour gear you are planning to use with this armor. The only exception is when you are ordering both armour and padding from our company — in this case you can send us your body measurements.
Safety disclaimer: Sword-fighting and fencing is a dangerous sport. Fencing, historical fencing, medieval reenactment and martial arts as well as other related types of activity, are inherently connected to a certain risk level of injuries or death. The Company declines all responsibility for any traumas or harm done to oneself or to the third person, along with any material or consequential damage, impaired during the products usage. We admonish that all acts with armour, weapons or their components have to be performed before designated person who is responsible for safety of the particular event and accredited to supervise armour and sport weapon conformance to the event’s standards.
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Is this for a pair or 1 bracer. I ask because I saw a comment on another bracer that suggested this might be the listing for a single bracer and would like to confirm. Thanks
It is the price for a pair.
Can these be worn with the Elbow Cops you sell, or would they get in the way and cause mishaps?
The bracers can be worn with the elbow cops. Also, please check our other similar bracers which go with elbow cops (etching can be removed, minus 15% of the price):- Medieval Splinted Etched Arm Bracers with Elbows -https://armstreet.com/store/armor/sca-armor-bracers-with-elbow-etching-arm-armour;- Medieval Western Etching Arm Bracers Elbow Armor Sca Stainless -https://armstreet.com/store/armor/medieval-western-etching-arm-bracers-elbow-armor-sca.
Do these cover the whole elbow to include both points?
Yes, basically the bracers cover the elbows, please check the fit in this picture.If you need more coverage on the sides of the elbows, we recommend purchasing a pair of separate elbow cops with side leafs, such as Medieval Combat Elbow Cops with Round Leaf.
Custom Order request: Could you make these same bracers with same gauge brass in place of the 1mm steel??
The bracers can be made of 1 mm brass, it will cost $45.00 extra.If it works for you, you can place an order via the website and mention the modification in the comment to your order.
I have a set of 16 gauge greaves similar to this design in alternating blackened steel and brass strips with brass rivots, brass hardware, and black leather straps & lining. Can you make these bracers custom in a similar fashion?? Armorer no longer in business.
Unfortunately we don't produce blackened/darkened armor for technical reasons, sorry. Thank you for your understanding.
Hi! I'm having a look at the splinted combat bracers. I'd like to know how much they weigh. Thanks! Luke.
About 1.7 kg or 3.75 lbs (pair).
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Quality, quality, quality. That's all I have to say.