Belts are a very important part of any medieval wardrobe. They give you something to hang things off (because remember, pockets didn’t exist!) including bags, cutlery, swords, and other day-to-day items. This belt has the added bonus of also including a hidden card pocket behind the buckle, meaning you can just bring your essentials (such as your ID and credit card) and leave the bulky wallet behind. This belt was designed to be worn with our new black suit of armour, "The Wayward Knight", but would also match many other combinations of garb and armor.
The boar is a mighty symbol in medieval folklore, considered to be a fearsome beast capable of killing men. It’s not just a fairy tale, though - boars were incredibly dangerous and were the downfall of many people in the middle ages who didn’t take their heavy frames and sharp tusks seriously. Boars were also commonly used in medieval heraldry, meaning a variety of different things. Some common themes and ideas associated with boars including war, defence and courage. What this boar means, though, is up to you!
One of the most striking parts about this piece is the use of color. We have recently started bringing the use of enamel into our work, as it is a technique we have perfected this year. A technology quite common in the middle ages, enamel can be used to bring color and life to jewellery and other fine pieces of work. When looking through history books, you’re most likely to see enamel on crown, brooches, and of course, the plaque belts of knights.
The buckle of this belt is a charging boar surrounded by ornate, stylised brambles. This image repeats itself across the leather of the belt in the form of deep embossing, followed by more images of a boar.
This belt is constructed from quality materials, including quality leather, tiny solid brass rivets, and very solid brass. It is a luxury item that is eye-catching, opulent and will surely be the perfect finishing touch on your feasting clothes or kit of armour.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
This item is part of the “Wayward Knight ” collection
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*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Can I have a custom design on the buckle
Please send us a picture of the design so we could tell if we can make it and its price.
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Looks great and simply is great. Well made, I’m grateful for these good people that are still working even in unfortunate circumstances that they deal with in their home land.