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Great medieval woolen cloak from 2007-2008 ArmStreet's collection. This cloak is made in Eastern European medieval style, close to Balkanian cloaks. The cloak is made of great soft natural wool with handmade stitches and small button brushes, with deep hood and arm slits. Really amazing cloak which is great for both medieval event or renaissance festival.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
I'm 59 inches tall, would like the cloak shorter to avoid dragging on the ground. Should I put 55 inches as for height? thank you
Hi Denise! Please fill in correct information in your order form and simply leave a request in the commen to your order to make the cape shorter.
Hi there, Could you please tell me the sweep of this beauty? Is it a full round?
Hi Margie! Yes, it is a full round cloak
your product looks great. can you tell me what kind of wool you use ? what is the over all weight of your product>and length? I am 5'6. do you offer any waranty? thanks for you time.
We use dense sheep wool, its weight is about 400-450 g per 1 m², it's quite thick and heavy. Weight of the cloak is 3-3.3 kg (6-7 lb), depending on the size. The length of the coat (for full height 5'6") will be about 4'10".
Warranties are described in detail in our Terms & Conditions.
Would this be able to be made in green wool?
This cape cannot be made in green, sorry.
What is the difference between the milorda and stana cloaks?
The only difference in color, it's the same model.
hello i like to know when you may be having the purple color cloak in stock? i have it in ivory i wear that alot its a stunning cloak. love it i however love it in black but hoping purple when that is available
Unfortunately there is no information about a new supply of purple wool, sorry. We'll inform you as soon as it's back in stock.
is worldwide shipping included hongkong ?
Shipping of this cape costs $40.00, shipping rates are the same for all countries.
Wonderful colors--I love your choices. This will look elegant.
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hello i also just recieved this cloak its so warm fits fantastic and love the pattern great design thankyou
Amazing, thanks for letting us know!
Quality workmanship; custom fit; delivered in time for Christmas; super site!