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This elegant set includes the natural flax linen tunic, the traditional medieval hood and surco. This garb rings a bell to the man costume that was popular in Western and Northern Europe in early medieval. Long classic western tunic is the great authentic costume. Its mood is the mood of the tired warrior coming back home after the long campaign.
This costume looks very authentic with its natural color and materials and can be used for number of the warriors’ characters. The garb is made in 100% natural flax linen with flax linen accents. Tunic cuffs have short lacing which is important if you're planning to use it for sword exercises or as under-gambeson clothes. Hood is made in traditional “English” style with scallops around the bottom. Surco is made of pure wool. Borders (accents) on the tunic are made of flax linen, scallops on the hood are made of wool.
Overcoat comes without coat-of-arms, your own coat-of-arms can be made for extra (which depends on how complicated image you need).
You can also complete the character with the help of medieval style shoes, belt and frog which are available in our store.
Please note, that original color of this tunic (khaki) is not available; dark blue wool has a very dark shade, that may appear black under electric light indoors.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
I could have the same coat of arms with the silver brodure
Yes, sure. Please email us a picture which should be applied to the coat of arms after purchasing.
Is it possible to get the Overcoat with out the coat of arms?
The overcoat comes without coat-of-arms by default.
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This outfit is by far the best ive seen on the armstreet website for a male, I was going to just buy the tunic but after looking over the details on the surcoat I just had to have it and I got my personal 'Device' imprinted on the front for a very small fee which was well worth it as my 'device' wasent eazy to reproduce, Great job armstreet keep it up.
Thank you very much for your feedback! Always welcome back to ArmStreet!