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This dress is the perfect combination of historical and flattering. It is a traditional T-tunic shape and pays tribute to many actual Viking designs, while also managing to accentuate the female figure. The actual silhouette of this dress still manages to be very similar to what it would have been historically.
The adjustments we have made to make this dress comfortable include spacious biceps and underarm gussets for free movement, narrowed at the wrist in a way that it can be fitted without the addition of buttons or other more modern fashion technologies. The wide skirt of the dress (which flows as you walk) goes to your ankles instead of the floor, meaning you won’t trip over it as you go about your daily chores or spear fighting practice.
One of the most stunning aspects of this dress is the trim. In ancient times, finishing the seams of garments well and adding trim was considered something you would do to ward off bad spirits, meaning that your clothes also became a protective talisman. This is why we have added trim at every hem, including the neckline, sleeves and the bottom of the dress. As an added bonus, this also looks utterly fantastic and gives the dress a very finished look.
The trim we have used is exclusive to ArmStreet (meaning you won’t find it anywhere else). It was designed by our team of artists after a lot of specific research into Viking knotwork and other motifs. So, while it may appear historical, it is actually a creation of our own! Along the bottom of the dress is where there is the greatest concentration of finishing, as there are multiple layers of trim. The first is a line of pale wool cord, followed by the trim with our knotwork duck. After that, there is a jute cord, as well as a buffer of plain yellow linen to visually break up the design. The final trim is our basic knotwork pattern.
Something you’ve probably noticed about this dress is how different the fabric is. That is because this dress is limited edition, due to a finite supply of the melange yellow and green fabric. It is unique and is woven linen consisting of two colors together, creating quite a striking yet subtle effect that really sets this dress apart from the rest. We only have enough linen for about 50 of these dresses, and after that, we will no longer be selling it – so you better move fast!
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
This item is part of the “Shieldmaiden” collection
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