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These fancy medieval style shoes have been designed specially for our “Lost Princess” collection. Shoes have classic late middle ages look but overall should be described as “fantasy” due to an unusual combination of medieval look and patterned leather.
These shoes have modern soles that ensure a secure grip and are perfect for different types of activity - from usual walking to dancing. They consist of several layers: leather insole, leather fiber board, porous breathable orthopedic base and ribbed rubber outsole.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Important note: Embossed leather shades may vary, as unfortunately we can't control color of leather which comes from our suppliers. Sometimes it may be darker or lighter, so if tone of the leather is important factor for you, please contact us before purchase to ascertain which color exactly we have in stock at the moment. Thank you for understanding.
This item is part of the “Eternal Princess” collection
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Are you still offering these shoes in black or the black/purple-ish) embossed leather? We are trying to find medieval/viking/gothic style of shoes for our wedding next fall. Thank you for the info!
Hi Justine, all leather colors (that are currently available) are shown in the listing color options. Unfortunately, we won't re-stock the black embossed leather.
Hello Armstreet. It's difficult to tell from the photos so I thought I'd send a message. I have very narrow ankles and am worried that if I purchase these boots that they would fall of at the back. What's the movement in the back of the ankle like? Kind Regards Sarah
The boots should not fall off if you provide correct measurements. They have all the same features as the modern shoes, including rigid heel and toe, and keep the shape well.
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i think it's the most greatest shoes i've ever seen