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These handmade leather shoes are a perfect accessory for any medieval style costume. They fit both men and women and will complete your authentic medieval costume.
Shoes are hand-stitched and made of 100% natural leather. Contrast color leather lacing, manually burned image, and natural leather rope bordering turn these shoes into admirable and exceptionally looking footwear. In addition to all authentic looking elements, these Celtic medieval boots are cozy and reliable.
Period leather soles can be reinforced with the modern anti-slip rubber outsoles to prolong the service time of your loved shoes. This option is free, just mention it in the comment to your order.
These Celtic medieval shoes are made in accordance to original pattern that was found in 1994 at "Rurikovo gorodische", ancient Novgorod, one of the oldest and strongest North Europe strongholds. Shoes are made in accordance to medieval pattern using simple technologies. In spite of the fact, that outsole of these shoes is made of rubber which is modern material, these Celtic shoes look authentic.
Please take your measurements attentively — your carefulness will help us make your shoes perfect. Also, you should remember that natural leather is soft material and it will stretch so when you are getting your shoes it is normal that they fit very slim. They will get your feet shape after one or two days of usage.
To check how to measure yourself please click here (see video at the bottom of the page).
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Important note: Brown, Natural and Cream leather shades may vary, as unfortunately we can't control color of leather which comes from our suppliers. Sometimes it may be darker or lighter, so if tone of the leather is important factor for you, please contact us before purchase to ascertain which color exactly we have in stock at the moment. Thank you for understanding.
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Hi! I take a 7.5 women's shoe, but a triple wide, which is only found in a mans shoe AND doesn't come as small as the equivalent to 7.5 womens (6 or 6.5 in mens). Is your "circumference" measurement and the drawn foot pattern going to suffice to cover this? (I hope, I hope!) Oh, and I use an orthotic, so I would take my measurements OVER the orthotic. I would be buying the shoes for daily wear, mostly, though secretly tickled that I look Medieval. :)
We suggest you choose your actual shoe size (please check our Footwear size chart), and provide your foot circumference. Please do not choose larger size due to the width of the foot.Exactly, please take measurements over the orthotic.
Hello im about to purchase these boots Like to know being leather are they waterproof? As will be wanting to wear them alot.
Historically accurate footwear is not waterproof. You can always use a waterproof spray to increase moisture resistance.
Hello I will be purchasing these boots soon, they look so comfortable and the Celtic knotwork is amazing! Would these boots go well with all the clothes as you know I got from you?
They should look good with the tunics, most of our dresses and cloaks. For more elegant look and velvet dresses we recommend Lightweight Shoes and Patterned Leather Shoes, for light and short-sleeved dresses - Greek Style Leather Sandals.
What is the color of the stitching design on the dark brown Celtic boot?
The stitching can be made in brown, black or milk white on brown boots.
What color is the stitching when you order black and brown? Are the US sizes mens or womens when you order?
Stitching can be made in contrast color (white) or the same color (black or brown).Choose the right mens or womens size in the drop-down list.
Does the knotwork design still show up on the black and dark brown colored leather?
The image still shows up, but it won't be so contrasting.
If I chose the brown shoe color, in what kinde of color is the patren on the side of the shoe?
Burned image will be black color on brown leather, as here.
Could these shoes be made in brown leather instead of white/cream?
Sure! Just choose brown leather color in the order form.
Do these gorgeous shoes fit well on a wider foot?
Yep, they are custom-sized.
Is this boot for a man or a woman?
These shoes may be worn by both men and women.
Looking at the pictures, the shoe color seems to be beige, but in the available colors there is just white. Does it is really bright white or it is slightly beige? Thank you
Shoes from photos are made of "milk white" leather, it's available in selection of colors in the order form.
Am interested in naatural celtic boot/shoe, with heavy rubber sole as shown. I take app size 10 Australian size, not sure what that is US size. Can you give me cost of shoes delivered to me In Brisbane, Australia.... Also may interested in distributing your products in Australia... Thanks, Wayne..
To get the rubber outsole, simply add a comment to your order.Please measure your foot length, then use your length measurement to find your shoe size on a size chart. The cost is $150.00 (shoes) + $20.00 (shipping) = $170.00 totally.
*Your feedback will require to be approved. Log in to our website to be able to post seamlessly
hello i like to thank armstreet team for my lovely celtic boots i just recieved perfect fit beautifuly made.. thankyou
Thank you! Always welcome back to ArmStreet!
Great stuff, you helped me out so much!
I am Japanese. It was wonderful shoes this time. The material of leather, rubber, and the string is good. I want other shoes. Thank you armstreet.
Thank you! You're always welcome!