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Elegant looking handmade high boots will draw everyone's attention on any medieval style or SCA level event. They look rich and simple at the same time which allows you using these boots to complete any medieval style costume. These classic medieval boots are fully handmade of high-quality leather which is a durable material used since most ancient times. It is also soft that`s why leather boots are very comfortable footwear.
The outsole is made of hard leather like it was made in medieval times. Upon request, authentic leather soles can be reinforced with the modern anti-slip rubber outsoles to prolong the service time of your loved boots. This option is free, just mention it in the comment to your order.
Please take into account that today`s roads are much harder than medieval. Rubber outsole will provide additional protection for your feet and boots. It will also work if you need these boots for any type of sword-fighting practice because rubber is less slippery than leather.
The shape of these high boots relates to eastern design. It was brought by Crusaders who had seen them during their campaigns in the Near East. So these shoes will be good for your Oriental or Western Europe costume.Shoes with heels were more convenient for riding. Heel was used to fix foot in a stirrup during long trips or fast riding in a battle. Upper part of the shoe is high and made of firm leather which makes boots good for the riding, traveling or sword-fighting.
Please be accurate taking your measurements — that influences very much at our capability to make shoes that will suit you perfectly.Please also bear in mind that our shoes are made of 100% natural leather that`s why it is normal that it fits very slim when you are getting your new shoes. After one or two days of usage your shoes will get the shape of your feet.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Important note: Brown, Natural and Cream leather shades may vary, as unfortunately we can't control color of leather which comes from our suppliers. Sometimes it may be darker or lighter, so if tone of the leather is important factor for you, please contact us before purchase to ascertain which color exactly we have in stock at the moment. Thank you for understanding.
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
could these be made in black?
These boots cannot be made in black, dark brown or light brown are the only options, sorry.
Hi i just received this boots in the mail and they so far fit and feel find. I have a question about protecting the leather of the boots. what does Armstreet put on their display picture of the boots online that makes them shiny? my boots have a matte finish look. What does Armstreet recommend putting on my boots to protect from water and other damaging elements? Thank You -Kris
You can use any water-repellent and waterproof treatments (oil-, fat- or wax-based) intended for natural leather.
Can I get rubber soles on these boots? I am placing an order for them along with other items now and would like an answer as soon as possible.
Optionally you can order them with rubber outsole, simply add a comment to your order.
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This is the boots i purchased, love them! It got here very fast!! Just what i need to SCA festival.
Thank you for the review, Jeremiah!