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Gorgeous leather high boots are a great addition to your medieval style garb. Shoes enhance and underline genuineness of your attire, define its style and specify time age. These boots will perfectly complete any fantasy or SCA costume.
The upper edge of these classic boots has a remarkable accent - manually burned image. Please add a comment to your order if you want these shoes without the burned image. Boots are made of high-quality 100% natural leather which is durable material and under proper care they will serve you for ages. It is also really soft material so these boots will be comfortable footwear for any type of activities whether it be field usage, sword-fighting practice or medieval event.
The outsole is made of hard leather like it was made in medieval times. Upon request, authentic leather soles can be reinforced with the modern anti-slip rubber outsoles to prolong the service time of your loved boots. This option is free, just mention it in the comment to your order.
Please take into account that today`s roads are much harder than medieval. The rubber outsole will provide additional protection for your feet and boots. It will also work if you need these boots for any type of sword-fighting practice because rubber is less slippery than leather.
These leather boots have a classic medieval design. The upper part is made of high-quality firm leather which will provide protection for your leg in different situations including sword-fighting or any other sports activity. Ankle part was designed to make these boots more durable. The upper edge is decorated with the manually burned simple floral ornament which was widespread in different countries in medieval times. So these boots can complete almost any medieval style costume.The outsole was made of much harder leather in medieval times - to protect feet from injuries and boot from untimely wear out. Our outsole is made by the same technology and then is reliably sewed to our boot. The thread is hidden into a cut in the outsole to prolong its longevity. Additional glue soaking protects the thread and makes it more wear-resistant.
Please be accurate taking your measurements — that influences very much our capability to make shoes that will suit you perfectly.Please also keep in mind that 100% natural leather shoes will stretch so when you are getting your new pair it is normal that it fits very slim. After one or two days of usage shoes will get your feet shape.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Important note: Brown, Natural and Cream leather shades may vary, as unfortunately we can't control color of leather which comes from our suppliers. Sometimes it may be darker or lighter, so if tone of the leather is important factor for you, please contact us before purchase to ascertain which color exactly we have in stock at the moment. Thank you for understanding.
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Hi there! I was wondering if it is possible to have these boots, or boots of a similar nature, designed in black leather with a buckle at attachment on each ankle with a 2cm thick black leather strap added across the bridge of the foot, from one buckle to another. The design/burnt pattern on the boots aren't important to me, all I want is the shape of the boot, in black leather, with buckles and straps from one ankle to the other. Thank you very much, and fondest regards, Andrew P.S: Great Shoppe!
Unfortunately these boots cannot be made in black, sorry.
Can I get them without the design burned in?
Yes, simply add a comment to your order.
Hello, I see here that there are two color options available, but as computer colors are so unreliable, I can not remotely tell what they are. Could you please tell me? Is it possible to get these in green, and if not, would it be possible to stain them? I am not familiar with any sort of leather lore, so if it would be to your convience please reply soonest. Thank you.
Can be made in "brown" or "light brown" color only. Brown color leather can be seen here, and light brown leather is presented in description. Leather tone may vary, since we can't control which colors comes from our suppliers. Sometimes it can be darker or lighter.
We sell boots as the finished product, and we are not responsible for all subsequent manipulations such as color staining, it's at your own risk.
Hi, I just ordered a pair of Classic Medieval Handmade Leather Boots at around 10PM yesterday. I do plan to use these out of doors on various surfaces. You offer them with rubber soles. What does the rubber sole look like on these boots? Is that a rubber sole on the boots in the photo? Do you recommend that I get the rubber sole? Thank you, Victor Lahnovych
Rubber sole is shown at the sixth photo. Pattern on the outsoles may vary from photos.The leather sole is good for historical reconstruction, but it should be replaced after several seasons, as the leather wipes.Rubber sole is more resistant to damage, but not historically accurate.
Would I be able to get these in black? They're beautiful but they wouldn't fit my all black costume very well.
These boots cannot be made in black color, sorry.
I wish i could see those boots on a model in photos
What is the difference between the Classic Medievel Boot and the High Leather Boot, besides the price ?
Handmade High Classic Medieval Leather Boots have heels .
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