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Hardly there is any other weapon that has drawn so much attention and admiration throughout the history of humankind as a sword. Legends, myths and sagas tell us about fearless heroes performing their feats with swords in their hands, and sometimes these swords even have names - how many other weapons can you recall that have one? Indeed, a sword is no less than a symbol! A symbol of power, courage, dignity and many other virtues.
No wonder that in the modern era so many people want to get one, even if they are not going to ever use it. Just having one on the wall nearby is a pleasing thing. But if you do want to use it and even hit people with it… Well, we have an option for you that will make this activity safe and fun.
Soft Armor will provide you a real fighting experience with an easy transition to fighting in metal protection afterwards - if you want to. And this sword is a vital part of the equipment - you were not going to strike your buddies with a wooden stick or a real steel sword, were you? Even those made of plastic could be dangerous. This foam sword, however, is absolutely safe and one can hardly hurt somebody with it even if there’s no protection.
It is a simple and reliable tool with a convenient hilt. The foam base is covered with nylon and could be easily cleaned.
We do recommend using a whole set of the Soft Armor, of course. Not only for safety reasons, but to get a more authentic medieval combat experience too, as this set simulates fighting in full plate armor quite well. If you already are in or plan to join an SCA, HMB or another medieval combat team - this equipment will allow you to improve your battle coordination and tactics a lot, raising them to a completely new level.
Some of the best HMB teams have been using this equipment for quite a long time already to their advantage and their experience proved its effectiveness. So if you are hesitant - just give it a try!
Your adolescent club members will like it too, as well as any rookie that is not sure yet if they want to invest in a full steel set.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
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