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This clasp has been designed as a part of the “Anne of Kiev” character, but it will be a great part of any medieval style costume as well.
Norman Birka IX-XI century shield-shaped fibula/clasp. Handmade casting. Historical replica based on original medieval model. Museum replica level.
Diameter of fibula is about 2" (5 cm). Length of chain is about 5" - 5 1/2" (13-14 cm).
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*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Hello, Would you be kind enough to let me know the material in which this Round Birka IX-XI Century Clasp Fibula (pair) was made. Is it Bronze? Thank you in advance for letting me know, Kind regards Nathalie
Clasps and chain are made of brass.
Very elegant, actulaly all your pieces are!
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Perfect cloak clasp and nice and heavy to keep a cloak in place. Love the detail.
Very nice fibula pair, goes well with clothing sporting gold trims. I especially like that the chain is connected to the second clasp by use of a hook, so that the fibulas can be disconnected to remove your cloak without having to unpin the second clasp. Definitely recommend it for use in western and eastern European historical outfits.
Beautiful crown! Great communication! I'll definitely be back for more!
Thanks for your feedback, Theresa!