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This natural suede bodice corset design is based on patterns and decorations of European renaissance corset and also on later period German and French bodices. It has easily recognizable slope shoulder line and stand-up half-collar. Waist is tightly swifted while breast remains almost free. Front lacing gives necessary flexibility and fine fit. Decorative rolled edges laced along bottom and arm-slits complete the look.
This corset can't be custom-sized remotely, so it comes in fixed sizes: S, M, L, XL.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
This item is part of the “Alchemist's Daughter” collection
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
I may decide to order my alchemist daughter dress in midnight blue if so what color corset would match I do love my green and brown here
Hello, both green and brown colors will perfectly match midnight blue linen color.
I'm looking at either The Alchemist's Daughter suede bodice or The Archeress suede bodice. They look very similar, to me- the only difference I can see (and this may just be the model's body shape) is that the Archeress looks slightly longer and more v-shaped at the bottom, whereas the Alchemist's Daughter looks shorter-waisted and more horizontal/straight-across at the bottom. Is that the difference between them? Are there other differences I'm not picking up on? Thanks!
Yes, you are absolutely right, this is the only difference between two bodices.
Would you ever consider making this in white?
The bodice cannot be made in white, sorry, as we don`t have appropriate white suede.
are the chest measurements for this bodice actual chest measurements, or underbreast measurements?
For this bodice please provide you actual chest measurement, to determine the right size please check our Bodice size chart. To be more sure you can also add your underbust measurement in the comment to your order and we`ll consider it while manufacturing.
When I saw this it literally took my breath away. So gloriously beautiful.
Wow, thank you!
Oh , is this Bodice only excisting in size S now? All I c is available./ I love your creations.Im a singer and will order from you.x
Here is the same bodice in brown color available in S, M, XL sizes.Also the bodice can always be made to order. You're welcome!
What is the difference between the alchemist's daughter corset and the archeress corset?
The only difference in color, it's the same model.
Hei, Is it pasible to make a bodice withaut Decorative rolled edge along bottom? I love the ones along arm-slits, but the one at det bottom will make mine allredy not eksisting waist-line to eksplode i wronge direction. I would love to order a bodice like that in blue suede to go with my dress (midnight blue and orange) if i could get it withaut the rolled edge at the waist. Parhaps it could go slitly farther down, and end on the hips? Whith regards K
Can be made w/o rolled edges, just plain bottom part.The length of the corset cannot be changed, it's always the same due to the length of the plastic bones, it's not linked to the size.
Wonderful picture and really beautiful bodice!
Thanks, Heidi!
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Size is a little bit too small, according to the measurements. Quality product, as always from amstreet
I have now worn my corset a few times and am absolutely thrilled! The workmanship is clean, the seams and loops all look very sturdy and after the first few wears there are no signs that anything could change. Although I'm not very good at taking measurements, it fits like a glove and the straps at the back provide additional shaping and a straight posture without compromising comfort. I particularly like the small stand-up collar, which doesn't really stand out in the product photos. I can't say whether the intense green will rub off on white undergarments (not yet tested)
Absolutely beautiful fitted
Thankyou so much for another yet beautiful fitted alchemist daughter bodice I waited so long to order another it ages beautiful with time and as seen in photos I
Super, I love it