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This beautiful cloak is a part of set which is inspired with XI century classic design, when world was fresh and cruel, when Paris was small and Kiev was great capital of Empire and Anne of Kiev, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise was Queen of France as the wife of Henri I.
You can see those simple cloaks at many paints and frescoes of that time. The cloak is made of whole half-round piece of natural wool. You can wrap it around your shoulders.
Clasps and matching “Anne of Kiev” linen dress are not included, but available in our store.
This cloak is also available in combination with dark trimming:
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Is it possible to get the cloak in the grey wool with a simple stitched trim (similar to Eydis but the half round style).
Yes, can be made of the grey broadcloth wool with the half round style edging for $189.00 + $28.00 shipping.
Can I get this cloak in purple?
Yes, this cloak in purple costs $35 extra.
Is it possible to get this with another trim? The one on Forest princess.
Yes, simply leave us a note about the trim in the comments to your order.
I see that there is a clasp on this cloak is this included or does it need to be purchased separately?
The clasp is not included, it can be purchased separately here - Round Birka IX-XI Century Original Clasp Fibula Casting (pair).
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hello I'm amazed by the whole tunic and cloak set stunning and color perfect. I get so many compliments and my family loves it so all traditional back in time. I await for my king by his throne enjoy photo I sent you ..