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Moving from more or less historically oriented costumes to self-designed exclusive garbs we finally came to something which may be described as incredible mixture of medieval costuming and fashion design.
Initially this coat was designed as ultimately gothic thing. Its pattern, colors, accents and silhouette refer to gothic theme. But in the end we extended this image with more fantasy motifs... and got something we really like.
Technically, this coat is made of pure woollen cloth. Its hard to recognize, but you need really tones of wool for it's wide sleeves and long skirt. Coat is decorated with silver lace and silver color clasps. It has lacing on the back which can be used for slim waist fit. Coat is lined with black satin.
Slim fit hood refers to the chess figurine such as black pawn or even queen.
Please note that dark blue wool has a very dark shade, that may appear black under electric light indoors.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
This item is part of the “Moonless Night” collection
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
hi, i m trying to buy this in black color, but it dosnt give me the option
Hi Roger, we are out of black wool at the moment, unfortunately, but it should be back next week.
Does this coat ONLY come in heavy wool?
Yes, wool is the only option for this coat.
Hi- I am interested in the blackbird coat. Would it be possible to get black embroidery on a black coat instead of the silver embroidery? Thank you!
Yes, this coat can be made in black with black embroidery, simply add a comment ot your order. Please note, the clasps still can be silver or golden color.
forgive me for asking a few really really stupid and strange questions!! I am going to a Harry Potter convention in a year and have been searching for a "wizardly" outfit. Now I understand that this is for a lady BUT I think in some strange way it looks somewhat like a medeviel wizards outfit!? Can this be made to fit a man and can it be made of flax instead of hot wool? Can you work with me please? James
Sorry, unfortunately this costume cannot be made from flax linen.
Would you sell the hood separately? I love this hood.
The hood separately costs $69 + $22 (shipping).
Hi dear Can you give a piece of information? The coat can be wearing without hood? I think is needed and important body lenght to make the coat. How can I do it? Thank you very much...Jacirema. Brasil...This coat is absolutely lovely...Adorable ...
The hood is not attached to the coat, they can be worn separately. You may add a comment with your body length.
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Received the coat with hood a couple of days ago. It's absolutely divine! I cannot find another word to describe it. Thee never seize to amaze me. I knew it would be gorgeous, but it exceeded all my expectations. It fits like a glove (I cannot really thank thee enough for the 'made to custom measurements' option, since I can never find anything that would sit right in standard sizes, even the size XS always being too baggy especially in the waist), flows beautifully, sits comfortably and is very warm. Overall immaculate quality, fabulous accents and the lining is perfect! I cannot wait for the nippy weather to set in, so that I can proudly wear it out. I shall definitely post a photo on thy facebook page, once I get a chance to wear it to a Medieval Fair. Thank thee so much. Sending thee my utmost gratitude and all the best wishes!
Many thanks for such an inspiring review, Ludmila!