A LARP (Live Action Role Play) weapon looks a lot like a real sword but is made from safer materials. The most common construction is to have a fiberglass rod (which is flexible yet robust) surrounded by soft but dense foam, to create a strong, rigid and realistic looking sword that may bruise you but won’t cut you like steel.
Foam LARP weapons allow you to experiment with your fighting style without the danger of potentially seriously injuring someone you love. Sure, you still have to take care when using a LARP weapon, but they pose much less threat than something that would have been used historically. Being hit with a foam weapon still leaves a sting, which will make you want to work on your fighting skills and get better! It can be very difficult to learn how to make high-quality LARP weapons, which is why we’re offering you the best alternative: ready-made items that are reliable and look great.
Just like in history, there are so many different types of LARP weapons you can use! Designers have taken inspiration from many different places to create swords that are beautiful and functional. It’s not just swords, though, other types of weapon include:
And that barely even scratches the surface! The only limit in LARP is your imagination (and the rules of your game, of course), and it is usually not nearly as restrictive as historical reenactment.
Premium swords are made with a fiberglass core in the middle and a one-piece foam molding construction around it. The foam is truly the vital part - being in one piece means that the weapon won’t have any glue lines, and is much less likely to degrade from the glue coming apart or the adhesive melting the foam. They also will have hand-painted finishes and fine attention to detail, which makes it look more realistic. Our swords are made in collaboration with Calimacil, a world-leading LARP manufacture company from Canada, and can proudly be called the best on the market with their realistic look and amazing durability.
Swords not your style? No problem! There are SO many other weapons to discover, as we listed above. Another popular alternative to the sword is an axe, which can be short or long, and used in a fight in a variety of different ways. A good LARP axe will look very realistic and quite terrifying.
So have we convinced you to pick up some cool LARP weapons and join the fight? Get in touch with your local LARP group and they’ll be more than happy to show you how to handle a sword, mace or axe.