It's always difficult to find a good pair of lightweight leather shoes to match your medieval, renaissance or fantasy outfit. This is why we love to provide a full ensemble for our customers so they can get not a costume only, but a whole kit of clothing, footwear and jewelry if they need this.
These shoes are classic lightweight handmade women's footwear. Natural leather, modern sole and handmade casting buckle are the main ingredients of this piece and we are sure these shoes will make you happy.
These shoes have modern soles that ensure a secure grip and are perfect for different types of activity - from usual walking to dancing. They consist of several layers: leather insole, leather fiber board, porous breathable orthopedic base and ribbed rubber outsole. This model cannot be made with authentic soles, but one can find many other historically accurate models with leather soles in our store.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Important note: Brown, Natural and Cream leather shades may vary, as unfortunately we can't control color of leather which comes from our suppliers. Sometimes it may be darker or lighter, so if tone of the leather is important factor for you, please contact us before purchase to ascertain which color exactly we have in stock at the moment. Thank you for understanding.
This item is part of the “Eternal Princess” collection
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Can these shoes be made in plain white leather like the curved gothic shoes?
Yes, the shoes can be made of plain leather.
*Your feedback will require to be approved. Log in to our website to be able to post seamlessly
Beautiful shoes! Fit great! Well made!
It's such a pleasure to be ordering a pair of the Found Princess shoes to my growing wardrobe from Armstreet. I've chosen the green natural suede leather option, knowing the comfort of these shoes from your master shoemaker. The quality of your products is so worth the cost of shipping and anxious waiting, and such a joy when received. Thanks, Armstreet!
I love these shoes. They were able to make them to my custom measurements for orthotics that allow me to walk pain free and at long last I can go to events in period shoes without sacrificing my comfort level. These shoes are well made, they are sturdy, and they are comfortable right out of the box- I can't wait to feel them broken in.
These fit perfect and are a great price for custom leather shoes. Also, the way they are made, if pebbles get in, they go to the back of the shoe and out, which is pretty neat!
Prefect fit!
Lovely shoes - rather tight at first despite accurate measurements. Therefore 4 stars instead of 5. Otherwise, good experience.
Lovely shoes and perfect for reenactment.