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Shooting glove is made of quality leather and is a necessary gear for any bow without a shelf. Great appearance accessory and beautiful left-hand bracer for archers.
Optionally can be ordered for the right hand.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Important note: Brown, Natural and Cream leather shades may vary, as unfortunately we can't control color of leather which comes from our suppliers. Sometimes it may be darker or lighter, so if tone of the leather is important factor for you, please contact us before purchase to ascertain which color exactly we have in stock at the moment. Thank you for understanding.
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Can this be made small for a woman to use?
Of course, this glove is custom size, simply provide all of required measurements in the order form (hand, wrist, forearm circumferences and hand length). Please check how to measure yourself here.
Can the Functional Archer Shooting Gloves with Wrist Bracer be made left handed? Which is to mean can it be set up to fit on my right arm instead of my left arm?
Of course, please mention that you need it for the right arm in a comment to your order.
can you tell me what bow is in that picture?
The bow was rented for the photoshoot, unfortunately we have no other information about it.
I take it this is a single glove and bracer? Can it be made in both right and left hand variants?
Yes, this listing is for one glove. You may purchase two of them and add a comment to your order, and we'll make one for the right and one for the left hand.
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