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Knowing you'll need a storage to carry your dagger from place to place, we've designed this utility medieval sheath. Do not settle for the secondary role of the scabbard. 'Fits inside' isn't enough, it must match the dagger on all counts.
The sheath is designed and block formed around the “Hound Of War” Dagger for a perfect fit, which gives a better experience when using the knife. Constructed from stainless steel, it will optimize safety and resistance to accidental scratches. Features top grain leather coating, with borders tooled and hand stitched. The throat and the end tip are further reinforced by the second layer of leather.
Comes with the brass chains for hanging at the belt. Leather belt loops will accommodate a 3 cm wide belt, for instance, the Soldiers' Belt “Hound Of War”. The belt loops and the throat of the sheath are artistically decorated with an embossed pattern to compliment the halberdier's belt and pouch.
Though the matching dagger is not intended for a swordplay, these mates for sure will become the noticeable deluxe accessories.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
This item is part of the “Hound Of War” collection
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