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This is unique item. Basically this is just large reliable and nice handmade bag decorated with large steel plate with etching. But there is another function for it. Conception of "war bag" is specific for some nations during Dark Ages as well as for Early Slavic tribes and some other periods and nations in different versions.
The idea is to have reliable place for your pieces to keep them safe during run, fight and any other activities as well as it can be worn over your armor as additional groin protection element. It's made of reliable natural leather with stainless plate. It has wide belt strap so it may be used with almost any belt.
Measurements of the bag are about 11''x 9'' and about 3 1/2'' of depth.
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
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Very nice bag! Quality! Fully articulated. Nice people!!!! THANK YOU!!
Thank you too, Noel!
I'm looking at the large square war bag: Can you offer any other style etching on this bag?
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Amazing bag. Bigger than I thought it would be. High quality, thick leather. And it’s black and silver, my colors!
Top site, top product as always. Great to deal with. Recomended