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Great medieval woolen cloak from 2007-2008 ArmStreet's collection. This cloak is made in Eastern European medieval style, close to Balkanian cloaks. The cloak is made of great soft natural wool with handmade stitches and small button brushes, with deep hood and arm slits. Really amazing cloak which is great for both medieval event or renaissance festival.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
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*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
I love this cloak and I plan tp purchase one. My question is this: If I order this cloak in all black, can the embroidery be all red? Like the trimming and corded areas be red so it really stands out? My favorite color is black an I would buy this for sure if the embroidery is all bright red.
Hello, the cloak accents can be made in black color only, sorry.
Could the Milorada cloak hood be deep like in the (Hooded Black Cloak Halloween Edition) hood? How many inches deep is the Halloween Edition hood? Thanks.
Hi Ronshell, yes it is possible. Please simply leave this request in the comment to your order.
I'm looking for a winter cloak that can stand up to daily wear against the conditions of a Michigan winter. Will your cloak be warm enough or would it be possible to get it lined extra thick to make up for the difference? I am not just looking for a piece to wear once in a while to a festival but something that I could wear regularly. A thick, well made wool cloak looks like it would be a lot warmer overall than a short winter jacket. I'm so tired of always being cold.
Level of comfort at different temperatures is a very individual thing. Recommended temperature level is from +3°C to +7°C with no wind, or from +6°C to +15°C if there is cool wind (in Fahrenheit degrees: 37°-44°F with no wind, or 42°-59°F if there is cool wind).
Hi whats the difference between this and the "Stana"? Are these cloak unisex? I love your webpage!
Thanks! The only difference in color, it's the same model.These cloaks may be worn by both men and women.
What is the maximum width in inches for the Medieval Wool Cloak Cape "Milorada"? Thanks; Ronshell Wells.
Maximum width at the hem is from 5 to 6 meters (about 16' 5" - 20'), depending on your full height.
Hello, I want to order the: Medieval Wool Cloak Cape " Milorada ", and I would like it long a flowing like look. My height is 5'8/5'9. Do I increase my height to get the cloak longer or do I email you how many inches more I would like the cloak to flow? Also, is this cloak heavy? Because I like my cloaks heavy. Thank you; Ronshell Wells.
The maximum length of all our woolen cloaks is 61'' along back, if this works for you - simply add a comment to your order.We use dense sheep wool, its weight is about 400-450 g per 1 m², it's thick and heavy.
Hallo, This one looks amasing. Is it posible to get it in white ? And how much would it cost to get it to Denmark ? Thanks
Yes, can be made in white (ivory) colour.Worldwide shipping is $40.00.
It shows this beautiful cape in red and white but your options are red and black? I would like this cloak in black with red trim if it is available
Can be made in black with red trim, please just add a comment to your order.
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I purchased the Milorada Cloak and it is outstandingly beautiful and graceful. A perfect fit. I have two more words to describe it and they are: Sensational and Mesmerizing. So happy with this cloak. Thank you Armstreet! : )
Thank you so much for your words, Ronshell! :) We are so happy to hear your feedback. Enjoy the cloak! Always welcome back to ArmStreet!
I've recently purchased my 3rd cloak from ArmStreet & can honestly say I WOULDN'T BUY A CLOAK ANYWHERE ELSE! Many folks buy a cloak for Renaissance Fairs not for everyday use. I've never had the opportunity to attend a Renaissance Fair but I've got to admit it looks like fun! I wear cloaks because cloaks are WARM! I've never had a coat which could come close to the warmth of a well made cloak. When the weather turns seriously cold you can layer in a way which keeps warmth in the same way God created winter cloaks for the animals he created who would be living in cold climates during the winter. I like to layer two cashmere cloaks which are very full, 264" or 22 feet around the lower hem. They hang in such a way that they create many air pockets which you then cover up with a heavy outer wool cloak which keeps all the nice warm air around you! I only just realized I paid $300.00 each for the cashmere cloaks which is more than I paid for my Armstreet cloak which is heavy wool but is also very soft! Armstreet gives you choice of colors, red, blue, gray & black. I chose the black but received an email saying they were sorry but they were unable to get the bronze accents I'd asked for at first however she told me she did have a light gray/silver. Well the silver is even more beautiful than the bronze & gives the cloak a look or simple but classic. The stitching & accents are all hand sewn, for my measurements the cloak is full length & an impressive 420" around the lower hem, approx 35 feet of heavy wool which is extremely soft. You'd have to have something like this made by a tailor since not even the sewing pattern stores sell a pattern to make a cloak any fuller around the lower hem than 264" or 22 feet! You definitely won't find the craftsmanship Armstreet puts into all their clothing & period reproductions. Their beautifully crafted items are not cheap, costume quality but real clothing made, with proper care, to last a long time. So if you've made it to this site & like what you see I can honestly say you can buy with the confidence you are getting what you pay for & more... I'm not an advertiser & I do not work for the company. I just wanted to give them some very well deserved feedback & to let you know they've earned their reputation with me & the family & friend. I bought mine & purchased their own! Who woulda thunk it... ME, a trend setter!! Thank you again! Dia Duit Maegi
Wow, just amazing feedback! Always welcome to ArmStreet!