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The hood has small pelerine styled like medieval chaperons. We've designed this fantasy headpiece exclusively for our “Red Riding Hood” costume. The hood is made of wool of two colours with contrast inner part. The pelerine fit snug neck and shoulders. Upper part is slightly draped and pleated to create additional volume around the face. At the rear hood ends up with the fantasy twisted tail recalling both long tails of its medieval analogues and fairy elf's cap.
Please note that dark blue wool has a very dark shade, that may appear black under electric light indoors.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
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One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
When is this item going to be available again?
Hello, it will be available for purchase once we have the wool back in stock. There is no ETA though, unfortunately.
What, no Jester's hhats no Yeoman's hats? aka ROBIN, THE HOODED MAN? MINSTREL'S HATS?
All available hats are listed in the "Hats, vests, other parts" section.
We have Medieval Woolen Hood, you can also buy "The Return of the Paladin" or "Bowman" hood separately for $44 + $18 (shipping) and $58 + $18 (shipping) respectively, simply email us at
I'm in love. Not with the girl but with the hat. Congratulations to the creator of this clothing marvel.
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The only thing stopping me giving it a 5 star is the weight of it. I had to sew some hair slides into tbe hood to keep it up as it is a bit weighty but worth it for its beautiful shape. Looks gorgeous paired with the matching coat. I get so many compliments when I wear it out.
I happen to be a proud owner of this beautiful Red Riding Hood. I got it in the wine red, of course with the coat. Hood was a little tricky to wear at first, because it slip down of my head as I turned my head. So once upon a time I did some of the stitching and moved some of the stuffing out of it, and pushed the rest into the tail, and sewed it neatly back together. No more slipping of my head. I wore it out as normal. It and the red coat with it got admired such unusual beauty! I'm going to a Danny Elfman music concert in December, and I'm gonna wear my fabulous coat and hood as I did in winter. The first time I'm warm and comfortable! So glad this fairy tale wear is a reality and perfect quality ever after. Sincerely, Mags.
Amazing review, thank you so much for taking the time to share your experiences, Mags! And always welcome back to ArmStreet!