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Outstanding look at any medieval style event or Renaissance period live action role-playing is guaranteed for you if your apparel is completed with these admirable thigh-high boots. The design of these boots relates to transitional style from gothic to early renaissance period. They took the most prominent features of both styles - elegant long curved toe and slashes at the knee area.
They are made of natural suede of the highest quality, exceptionally soft and cozy material. The boots have modern soles that ensure a secure grip and are perfect for different types of activity - from usual walking to dancing or riding. They consist of several layers: leather insole, leather fiber board, porous breathable orthopedic base and ribbed rubber outsole. This model cannot be made with authentic soles, but one can find many other historically accurate models with leather soles in our store.
Curved toe shape looks great and doesn't detain walking. There is a lacing on the back which comes from the heel up to the knee and provides availability of circumference adjustment for a more slim-fit look. All these qualities make these boots suitable for different types of activities such as walking, running and even riding and gives you truly fantastic look.
The design of these thigh-high boots belongs to Early Renaissance when severe, somber Gothic principles were replaced by return to antique values. Special attention was paid to the person with all his needs, aspirations, emotions and passions. That's why all clothing and footwear was fully functional and was aimed to provide maximum comfort for its wearer. Different details from former styles conforming these rules could be seen in renaissance clothing.The most significant attribute of the garments of that period were slashes in elbow and knee areas. Firstly they appeared as strictly functional details (because these were places of the highest straining of fabric) and later became the main feature of the renaissance fashion.Attire should be rich, consist of many different items, which are in harmony with each other. It is important to mention that red color in the apparel was a prerogative of nobility.
Please take your measurements accurately - it will help us making the pair of shoes perfectly fit for you.Please also keep in mind that suede is natural material and it will stretch that`s why it is normal that it fits very slim when you are getting your new pair. After one or two days of usage, shoes will get your feet shape.
To check how to measure yourself please click here (see video at the bottom of the page).
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
The mode in the picture is a woman. Are these able to be made for men as well?
Hi Zach, yes it should be doable. Kindly send us your foot measurements so we could confirm we can make these boots for you.
I noticed that there isn’t much of a sole on the shoe. Are they good for all day wear, will they be comfortable?
Dear Bobbie, we can add rubber sole upon request so the boots could be used in everyday life. Please simply leave this request in the comment to your order.
Hey I understand that blue is not available currently but is there Andy chance it will be available at any point in the future. Also I really want these boots for my wedding but that might not be for a couple years so are these boots going anywhere, is it safe for me to wait and buy them or should I buy them soon?
Dear Tessa, we do not offer these boots in blue seude, unfortunately. They should be available for purchase till the end of the year.
Is it possible to get these made in different colors? Like green or blue?
Hi Thaddeus! These particular boots can be made in red, brown, burgundy and black colors only, sorry.
Hi, I am a woman with a wide calf wondering if this boot will adjust enough to fit well without gaping. Is it made to measure for the leg?
The boots will be made according to your actual measurement, so there shouldn`t be any fitting problems if you measure correctly. Please take your measurements using our guide and also you can mention that you have a wide calf in the comments to your order.
Question. Are these boots just for women? Or can they be made in mens sizes? Very curious because they look very stylish.
We`ve never made them for a man before, but technically it is possible, for $130 extra. Though, it will require some extra work on developing the adjusted pattern, also more materials and we`ll need to order a special last.
Hi may seem a dumb question but will the boot stay securely above the knee or will it ride down at all?
They should stay above the knee, but may be folded down when loosen the laces.
Is it possible to not have the slots in the knees? Basically just a standard thigh high boot and not have a point in the front of the shoe?
Can be made w/o puffed knees, then the shape will be closer to ordinary thigh-high boots. The slits cannot be removed without changing the shape of boots.
The shape of the toe-cap cannot be changed, sorry.
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I have just ordered these boots, although they are not here yet I just want to say that the customer service is great. I will leave another update on arrival.