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Why this garb is called “Lady hunter”? Lady knows perfectly well that the dress, hounds and the horse makes her character complete and expressive. So she has no doubts what to wear when she is going to go to the forest.
This 100% natural cotton medieval dress looks amazing at almost any figure: red lacing at sides and at the sleeves allows making light size adjustments easily. Fine trimming on the neck, sleeves, belt and bottom completes the perfect view. Trimmed fabric belt, 100% natural flax linen bodice vest and faux fur pelerine are included according to the pictures. Bodice also have lacing on the back to adjust it to your figure. Pelerine is a separated piece which can be used with any other dress and cloak. Pelerine has a satin lining
The attire will suit both for the young lady from any medieval European country and for the heroine from the fantasy story. One picture is worth thousand words, so just have a look.
If you would like to choose the 100% flax linen of as the material of the dress for extra charge you should contact our manager. The colour of the lacing and bodice vest is also discussible in private capacity.
Crown is not included, but available separately in our store.
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
Keep your measurements sets, orders and tracking history and deepest desires in one place!
One more thing – we give $15 on your first purchase.
*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
is faster shipping available for an extra fee? I have a fair at the end of January.
We can offer 10-days EMS shipping for some extra (price varies depending on the item).
Hello, Is the pelerine also available separately? And how much does it cost? Kind regards, Chiara van Bentum
Yes, you can order the pelerine separately, please email us at
Hi, do you sell just the pelerine?
The pelerine separately costs $199 + $40 (shipping).
*Your feedback will require to be approved. Log in to our website to be able to post seamlessly
What shoes would be worn with lady hunter?
Hello, please take a look at the Found Princess shoes.
just the same as shown, overall i'm satisfied