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During High and Late Medieval periods evolution of the European helmets was advancing not only in the direction of better protection but, also, wider universality of the helmets. Different types of military actions demanded different property from the helmets: for the lance charge or jousting helmet had to be closed, providing maximum protection from the frontal attack to the face and best support for the neck, — even if the price of poor visibility and limited mobility had to be paid. For the relatively light cavalry of demi-lancers and reiters (which was gaining popularity in XVI century) combination of visibility and protection was a must, and for foot combat visibility and ease of breathing always were main concerns. The "ideal" helmet had to be quickly transformed — to comply with the task at hand.The burgonet helmet appeared first at the beginning of the XVI century was specifically designed to answer these challenges.It is not surprising thou, that during the XVI and early XVII century burgonets were among the most popular helmets among military professionals of all European nations.English gentlemen, German Schwartz Reiters, French Gen d'Armes and Spanish conquistadors cavalry — everywhere burgonets found a good use (due to the high humidity and heat conquistadors were using it primarily without a buff). The burgonet we are presenting was inspired by the production of the famous Greenwich Royal Armory which, during Tudor era, was supplying English military elite with its superb and elegant armors.
Clean and elegant design of our English burgonet is following the best examples from Greenwich, its meticulously clean finishing is equaled only by the superb level of protection and unique universality of this helmet. For those of SCA fighters, WMA practitioners, reenactors and medieval enthusiasts interested in the XVI century that very well could be the one helmet fitted for all tasks.Clean helmet scull with tall ridge and unified visor provides excellent protection from the strikes from the top. While hinged cheek-plates ensures the ease of putting helmet on and taking it off, in locked position they are creating, together with the tail of the helmet scull, solid nape-guard and great support for the neck.Falling buff with the unified gorget provides solid protection for the face and the throat — and could be easily adjusted with locking spring pins on each segment. Or the buff could be removed altogether — and replaced with the bar-grill style of visor, suited for the SCA fighting.For the jousting our English style burgonet could be easily reinforced with the grandguard or custom solid visor.
This is one of our best helmets so far — and we are really proud that we are able to offer it to our clients!
To check how to measure yourself please click here.
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Safety disclaimer: Sword-fighting and fencing is a dangerous sport. Fencing, historical fencing, medieval reenactment and martial arts as well as other related types of activity, are inherently connected to a certain risk level of injuries or death. The Company declines all responsibility for any traumas or harm done to oneself or to the third person, along with any material or consequential damage, impaired during the products usage. We admonish that all acts with armour, weapons or their components have to be performed before designated person who is responsible for safety of the particular event and accredited to supervise armour and sport weapon conformance to the event’s standards.
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*If this is a general question we may post it on the page to help other customers, otherwise we will just answer you by email
Store — Medieval armor — Medieval Burgonet Sca Functional Handmade Helmet Can I order the Bevor un-pierced, My SCA kingdom has a requirement for meshing holes over 5mm for combat archery I would like to pierce it for ventilation myself.
Of course, simply add a comment to your order.
Hi, would it be possible to buy the helmet with only one visor, the falling buffe one, without the bargrill ? Or are they obligatory included ? If it is possible to take only one visor, how much would it be ? Thank you for your time!
Yes, you'll save about $180, please contact us at to get the discount.
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