Let's celebrate ArmStreet's B-Day together May 28, 2017 What do you think, how old is ArmStreet team? Here's a clue: this age is commonly referred to as 'age of transition' and 'rebellious age.' They have a point, 'cos this is exactly what we feel now, experimenting with what we love most - the Middle Ages vestments and res accessoria. So, have you guessed it already? We are 14 years old, hey-ho! Yeah, it's difficult to believe. A wonderful age when you already know yourself, but still able to be marveled by the world, when you're full of dreams, as a kid, but already know exactly how to achieve them, which is an adults' prerogative. When you turn 14, you officially cease to be a child and become a young one; your parents can leave you at home unattended - so we got rid of another's principles and far-fetched ideas on how to sew, forge and sell “in the right manner”. Sincere belief that beauty can be created simply for the sake of... beauty inspires us. No fictitious reasons. Now, as any fourteen-year-old, we're also intensely interested in you, folks! Of what you think, feel and dream, so please contact us, email us, and share with us. The items you choose, the feedback you leave and requests you file profoundly affect the way we grow up. Sure every team progresses differently, and we feel like we've ultimately become experts in making medieval stuff within these years, but this happy day is worth nothing without our old and new friends. In short, enough ranting, you are probably waiting for discounts, huh? And rightly so, what a holiday it would be without gifts! We love them both, so here you are: Go store now “getsomebooze” code for $20 off for each $60+ purchase. Just enough to treat yourself with a nice trinket for a reason :) “celebratewithus” code for 18% off for each $200+ purchase. O-la-la, it will do to get a new dress! Remember, two dresses are always better. “bigbirthdaydeal” code for $220 off for each $1,000+ purchase. Finally, the biggest gift, for those who do not hesitate to dream above and beyond. Whew, now we hope each of you will join the party and lift a glass to our common high-day!