COVID-19 and the Art of Company Maintenance March 17, 2020 Many of you are probably wondering how COVID-19 influences our day-to-day operations and plans. In short: we are ready. Fortunately for us, Ukraine has been one of the last countries affected by COVID-19, so we have had a decent amount of time to prepare. Over the last few weeks, we have been planning, preparing, and coordinating our workforce to make sure we're ready for the challenge ahead. This is far from our first challenge: we have already weathered the 2008 stock market crash, as well as the 2014 war conflict. In fact, we more than just survived these tests: we passed them with flying colors and emerged stronger than ever. One of our best achievements has been opening two independent manufacturing units on separate sides of the country to give us extra flexibility in times of uncertainty. Our workshop in Western Ukraine, 1000 kilometers from our head office, crafts all of our pre-made stock items and is currently very well supplied, so we have some serious materials in reserve, ready to send. Most of our creative and management personnel work from home at all our locations in the US, Ukraine, and Australia. Those involved in manufacturing our pre-made items will stay at home for two weeks while we supply our customers from our current stock. Our craftsmen who produce custom products have been split up into small shifts, and we have implemented very strict cleaning and safety standards in order to keep them healthy. We are honored to let you know that management, owners and our best-paid craftsmen have decided in favor of significant financial self-limitations of their own salaries to make sure that no one left behind. ArmStreet has always and will always be a business that is focussed on friends and family above all, and we don't intend on deviating from those values. We were ready even before it was a trend. We are infinitely thankful to all of our customers who continue to support us, buy from us, and stay with us in these tough times. We're all in this together now, and we know that through our amazing connection to all of you that we will make it through this with our heads held high, and continue to impress you time and time again with amazing new products as soon as all this mess is over. Stay safe, wash your hands and don’t give this nasty virus a chance!